English nomenclature is to follow that of the most up-to-date version of the Mother 3 fan translation (at the time of this being written, version 1.2).The third game in the series (GBA) is to be referred to as " Mother 3" for all purposes.Again, English nomenclature is to follow that of the commercially available EarthBound release.The second game in the series is to be referred to as " EarthBound" for all purposes except for distinguishing among the original Japanese version ("Mother 2"), the American release ("EarthBound"), and the Japanese re-release ("Mother 1+2").English nomenclature is to follow that of the EarthBound Beginnings Wii U VC release, as translated by Phil Sandhop.The first game in the series is to be referred to as " EarthBound Beginnings" for all purposes except for distinguishing among the original Japanese version ("Mother"), the American prototype's ROM ("Earth Bound" or "EarthBound Zero"), said ROM's Wii U Virtual Console release ("EarthBound Beginnings"), and the Japanese GBA re-release ("Mother 1+2").The following should serve as the guideline for English nomenclature from the EarthBound series: