
What is as built drawing
What is as built drawing

what is as built drawing what is as built drawing

Directional prefixes help to narrow down the searches. If it is in a large area, keep entering all the streets in that area. Note - the system will bring up any project with that street name in the description. Street name: NW 122nd St, N MacArthur Blvd, SE 89th St, NW Expressway

what is as built drawing

Note - for “E” project numbers, make sure there are 3 digits before the “E” and 3 digits after the “E” with dashes. To clear the search value field, click in the box next to your search word, when the “x” appears, click on it to clear the field, or highlight the entire field and type over it. To search As Built Plans enter either a project number, street name or subdivision in the "search value" field and press enter. Newer projects may take a few months before they can be searched and a few older projects are missing. As Built Plans are entered in the system once submitted by the engineer of record.

What is as built drawing