The paper may be written in English and should be formatted according to the Springer rules for the LNCS editions (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science – cs/authors.html), never exceeding 12 pages.

The participation in this event implies the submission, presentation and discussion of a scientific paper that should present substantial results in theoretical, empirical or applied research, in any Artificial Intelligence field. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Data Mining, Text Mining and Web Mining The main topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Miguel Calejo, Declarativa Topics of Interest Paulo Novais, University of Minho, Portugal Paulo Cortez, University of Minho, Portugal

The participation of the whole scientific community of Artificial Intelligence is welcome and it is essential to give significance to this event. students, portuguese or developing their work in portuguese higher education institutions, whose developments are related to some relevant topics to the scientific field of Artificial Intelligence. describing ongoing work without results) or thesis proposals. Several types of PhD student papers are welcome: full research papers, short papers, position papers (e.g. thesis in the scientific area of Artificial Intelligence. With the organization of this event, the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence – APPIA intends to stimulate the improvement of the quality of post-graduated studies, Ph.D. The best contributions of SDIA may be included in the proceedings of EPIA 2013, a volume of Springer LNAI series. To this end, all submissions accepted will be included in the symposium proceedings, an edition of APPIA, with ISBN. As in previous editions, SDIA 2013 aims at being a forum for discussion on post-graduated studies, thesis on Artificial Intelligence, increasing the integration and the cooperation between researchers from this scientific area and promoting a better visibility of their ongoing work to the academic and industrial communities. The Doctoral Symposium on Artificial Intelligence - SDIA 2013, in its fourth edition, is a satellite event of EPIA 2013.